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Michael Tabor at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Monument in Washington D.C.                August 2024 
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Latoya Tabor-Strong with the Memphis Police Department for Career Day at THE Robert R. Church Elementary School.
May 2023.
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DL Hughley and Michael Tabor at the  Fitzgerald Casino(Tunica, Mississippi). This interview can be fully viewed on YouTube. 2024 Interview
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Michael Tabor trip to Washington, D.C. More information can be viewed on YouTube. August 2024.
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Latoya Tabor-Strong Celebrating Career Day at Robert R. Church Elementary.
May 2023.
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Latoya Tabor-Strong celebrating law enforcement officials at the annual career day at The Robert R. Church Elementary. May 2023.

      A new book is coming called, "Think like a woman.  Act like a man."                                                                by Michael Tabor.
                  "Bringing enlightenment to make relationships better.'            

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       Ms. Audrey McCoy
   Assistant Store Manager  
Black History Awards Installments at Piccadilly on Elvis Presley,
                                                Memphis, TN.
                                              February 17, 2024 
     PRINCE -Entertainer 
James Brown-Entertainer 
        Bill Paxton-Actor 

M.C. Hammer-Entertainer 
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Mr. Otha Muskin 
     Store Manager 
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            Judge Betty Thomas-Moore                            General Sessions Civil Court                                   (Shelby County) 
           Booker T. Washington Award  
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                 Judge Betty Thomas-Moore 
                 General Sessions Civil Court
                            (Shelby County)
  Word Up Productions on the Street Peace/TV 
        T-Shirt Designed by students from  
               Booker T. Washington Highschool                                      Memphis, TN 

November 20, 2022 -  Michael Tabor meeting with Congressman Steve Cohen, and asking for his help for the elderly with a $250.00 food stamp assistance program to add to their $1300 monthly income. It was a great meeting, and both agreed that the increase in income is needed. Mr. Cohen said that he would take the suggestion to the floor. 

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Melvin "Cooking" Jones, now Rev. Melvin Jones, and Evangelist Linda Jones received this award for bringing people together for peace over the radio. I met Melvin in 1978 on WLOK, now 103.5.                                                     See on YouTube


Working 12 years with 103.5 and 9 years with Michael Anderson, AMS Productions

MLK Jr. concerts now on YouTube.  In 2022 I started airing spots on 103.5 radio,

thanks to Ms. Reyna Shackerford and Ms. Amander Densfort.

"Check it Out"

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Award from the Department of Homeland Security, District Eleven.  James H. Bolden, Director.  to Michael Tabor. Thank you for all you do!            This is a collectors item from me to you.  5/13/2001
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Michael Tabor, Mr. Stevie Moore, FUUN Organization Director, Shelby County Sheriff Floyd Bonner at FUUN Headquarters on         South Third Street Rally thanking law enforcement. 10/9/2021
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Presented to Michael Tabor by Deputy Dir. James H. Bolden and Captain Terry Yarbrough in recognition of his many years working with the Memphis Police Dept. and Sheriff Dept. and on the "Crime Prevention Training Tape for youth and adults used in COACT", demonstrating life saving peaceful interactions between officers and the community. Cowrote and directed in 2002 and 2003 by Michael Tabor.
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Presented to Mrs. Doris King Cordell on behalf of her mother,
Mrs. Ruthie Mae Jones for the meals I received in 1975 when I was living in Memphis and unsure of my future. 
Mrs. Cordell did a P.S.A. on gun violence. Her son died due to gun violence in 2020.
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Mrs. Doris King Cordell and Michael Tabor.
R.I.P. Mr. Patrick L. King
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PoliceDir.MichaelRallings,2018 MLK Jr Peace Award & Michael Tabor.


Dir. Gina Sweat, Memphis Fire Dept.       Accepted by Chief.                               2018 MLK Jr. Peace Award

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Sheila E &Michael Tabor 2016 Concert  

Plaque for Prince 2016   Supporting Word Up Productions 1999 - 2004

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Mayor Emily Gabel Luddy,      Michael Tabor, Burbank, CA. 2019

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Latoya Tabor Strong with West Memphis Mayor Marco McClendon accepting award.
West Memphis City Hall
                  Presented to
                     West Memphis                                         Mayor Marco McClendon                   Covid - 19 tried to stop the World.            Many people died. To Help the Heroes,        you said: "Stay your ass at home"                                        to the city.                                                           God Bless.                                    G.C. Latoya Tabor Strong /MT                                         2020 Memphis, TN
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Michael Tabor with Mayor McClendon
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Michael Tabor & Devante Hill, Coordinator Black Lives Matter Rally. May 30, 2020        In Front of "I am a Man."  
Michael Tabor with marchers at rally.
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Knealing in Prayer at the Rally.
Clayborn Temple. I am a Man location.
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Alltrinna Grayson & Bobby Womack
     Alltrinna Grayson & Michael Tabor
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